Simple Circuits Curriculum:
Causal Patterns in Simple Circuits:
Lessons to Infuse into Simple Circuits Units to
Enable Deeper Understanding
Section 1: What Configurations Work to Light a Bulb?
Section 2: What is the Underlying Causality of a Simple Circuit?
Section 3: What are Conductors and Insulators?
Section 4: Why Does the Bulb Light When There is Flow?
Section 5: What Happens When Bulbs or Batteries are in Series or Parallel?
Section 6: How Does the Cyclic Simultaneous Model Explain Series and Parallel Circuits?
Section 7: How do Ohm's Law and Constraint-Based Reasoning Help in Thinking About Circuits?
Section 8: What is Electrical Potential and How Does a Relational Causal Model Explain It?